Does Your Eating Feel Off-Kilter?

On the day the coronavirus shelter-in-place mandate was announced for San Francisco, I couldn’t remember eating my lunch.

I looked down at my plate and saw crumbs but no food.

The evidence was clear: I had finished my meal. Yet, I was so anxious and distracted, I didn’t recall eating it.

Over the past few days, I’ve also noticed myself eating faster than usual and stockpiling my favorite bread (my ultimate comfort food).

And, I’ve been frequently craving chocolate-chunk ice cream, chocolate donuts and chocolate-chip cookies—all foods that remind me of the ease and simplicity of my childhood.

Has your eating been feeling off-kilter lately, too?

Perhaps it feels scattered, mindless, chaotic or urgent.

Maybe you’re reaching for foods you typically don’t go for. Or eating at odd times for you or eating more than you usually do.

Whether driven by fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness or boredom, your emotional eating may feel like it’s in overdrive right now.

If this is your experience, please know IT’S COMPLETELY OKAY.

There is nothing wrong with you or with your eating.

A Wise Coping Strategy
There are always very valid reasons why we do what we do when it comes to food.

Using food to navigate difficult emotions is completely understandable and a much-needed coping mechanism during times of distress.

Diet culture has conditioned us to view emotional eating as a bad thing, as a sign of weakness, a lack of willpower, something we must hide, fix or make up for.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s actually a very wise strategy in that the act of eating can be very grounding, soothing and relaxing. It helps calm your nervous system.

It also provides refuge, a safe and secure place to go to when you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to turn or what to do.

Self-Compassion is Key
Rather than feeling like your eating is out of control, beating yourself up for eating “badly” and nose-diving into a shame spiral, which is highly likely if you have a history of dieting and food restriction, I encourage you to practice self-compassion by reminding yourself that emotional eating is a form of self-care.

It’s an easy way to meet your needs, a way to soothe, comfort and take care of yourself when life is hard.

And, with all the uncertainty, disruption and loss right now, life is really, really hard.

So, please, take care of yourself however you can.

Pause and Check In
You might find it helpful to pause and check in with yourself throughout the day. Ask yourself: What am I feeling? What do I need?

Consider what would feel the most nourishing, comforting, calming and grounding.

Maybe it is eating a bowl of ice cream or bag of chips.

Maybe it’s baking cookies, walking in the park, escaping into a book, listening to the birds, cooking a pot of soup, napping in the sunshine, or finding a quiet spot to pray or meditate.

Maybe it’s a combination of things.

Whatever it is, trust it’s exactly what you need.

If you're struggling and would like support, please feel free to reach out. Thankfully, I'm still able to support my clients via video during this challenging time.

I Finished Off the Cake to Save Myself from Eating Badly Tomorrow

I stared at the remaining chocolate cake on the plate.

Although I was full and no longer getting much pleasure from it, I finished it off.

My rationale for doing so was basically:

Let me just get this over with so I can go back to being good tomorrow.

Have you ever had an experience like this, dear reader?

I used to do it all the time with all kinds of foods I considered “bad,” from cake, cookies and chips to pizza, pastries and ice cream.

In my mind, if I got rid of the “bad” food by eating it (throwing it away felt wasteful), then I’d have a better chance of getting back on track the next day.

Calmed My Anxiety
Driven by a deeply entrenched diet mentality, every night I would judge my day of eating as either good or bad.

Knowing a “bad” food wouldn’t be in my house to tempt me tomorrow helped calm my anxiety about having another bad day of eating, especially if I felt I had been on a streak of bad eating days.

It felt reassuring to know I would be able to go to bed tomorrow and feel good about my eating and, ultimately, myself.

Finishing off food for this reason was never an enjoyable eating experience.

Rather, it was my way of saving my future self from negative feelings about myself.

Although I couldn’t see it then, this “looking out for myself” was actually a form of self-protection. I was simply trying to take care of myself.

Eat and Move On

My need to polish off a food so I could start fresh the next day diminished when I challenged my diet mentality and stopped labeling food and my eating as good or bad.

By making all foods morally and emotionally equivalent, I no longer feel compelled to eat something just to get rid of it so I can feel more in control and better about myself the next day.

It’s now easy to wrap up whatever’s remaining to enjoy later because I stopped putting conditions on my eating and don’t feel guilty about eating anything at any time.

This doesn’t mean I never finish something off and reach a point of uncomfortable fullness. I absolutely do!

Sometimes, I’ll make a conscious decision to eat all of the cake or the pizza or the ice cream even though I’m full simply because I’m really enjoying it—not because I’m scared of it.

My intentions have changed and my eating is no longer a big deal. Now, I just eat and move on.

If my “eat it all now to get rid of it” story sounds all too familiar, please know it is possible for you to have a more relaxed, neutral and peaceful relationship with food, too.

I don't have any magical powers. If I can do it, so can you.

5 Gifts to Give Yourself this Holiday Season

If you’re desiring a more peaceful, trusting and relaxed relationship with food and your body, here are five gifts to consider giving yourself this holiday season.

1/ Wear Comfortable Clothing
You know those holiday party clothes in your closet that haven’t fit comfortably in years, if ever? Get rid of them.

Instead, buy, borrow or rent an outfit that fits your here-and-now body—one that makes you feel fabulous instead of frustrated.

2/ Smash Your Scale
It’s so easy to let the number on your scale define you, to dictate how you feel about yourself and determine how you go about your day.

By smashing your scale, you're reclaiming your power from a worthless piece of junk that’s completely incapable of measuring your innate worth and overall wellbeing.

Of course, you can donate your scale; however, it’s a lot more fun to smash it! Just be sure to wear safety goggles.

3/ Silence Your Food Grinch
Silence the Grinch (a.k.a. the Food Police) in your head that says you’re being bad and will have to pay for eating all the yummy holiday fare.

Unless you stole the food or harmed someone to get it, there is absolutely no reason to feel bad, guilty or ashamed about your food choices. Nor do you ever have to make up for your eating.

(For more holiday Intuitive Eating tips, click here.)

4/ Take Timeouts
Despite all the delight the holidays bring, the season can be quite stressful. When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to become disconnected from your body and its needs.

Strive to take regular timeouts for rejuvenating, centering self-care, whether it’s going for a walk, soaking in the tub, meditating by the fire, or getting lost in a book.

You can also try my number-one holiday stress buster.

5/ Ditch Dieting
Resolve to not jump on the dieting bandwagon come January. And when I say dieting, I mean any eating, lifestyle or wellness plan with a bunch of food rules and restrictions.

Diets erode your ability to trust your body and your instincts, and negatively impact your physical and psychological wellbeing. Plus, they suck all the joy out of eating and living.

Beyond the Holidays
If you want to get off the dieting roller coaster and give yourself the gift of a more peaceful relationship with food and your body that lasts well beyond the holidays, I invite you to check out my individual coaching program.