Holistic. Empowering. Liberating.

My holistic approach embraces your whole being, including aspects such as your physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. It's a path to empowerment, liberation and peace built on compassion, curiosity, nourishment, pleasure and body wisdom.

A weight-neutral, non-diet approach to cultivating a positive relationship with food and your body—and developing life-enhancing, sustainable self-care practices.

Understanding My Approach
My approach is based on a variety of complementary evidence-based models, theories and techniques, including:  

  • Intuitive Eating helps you have a positive relationship with food and your body.

    It encompasses 10 principles designed to help you break up with diet culture; hear and honor your body’s cues (e.g., hunger, fullness, satisfaction); remove morality, guilt, judgment and stress from eating; choose foods that are both pleasurable and nourishing; navigate emotional eating; engage in joyful movement; and respect and appreciate your body.

    For more information on Intuitive Eating, head on over to here.

  • Non-Diet / Anti-Diet: A non-diet / anti-diet approach promotes a natural, instinctive way of eating that neutralizes all foods and is free of any rules, restrictions and deprivation. It’s about trusting your inner body wisdom to guide you toward the foods that both taste and feel satisfying, without internal judgment or external influence, including all the noise from diet, weight-loss and wellness cultures.

    To learn more about the importance of letting go of dieting and the diet mentality, click here.

  • Weight Neutral: A weight-neutral approach focuses on establishing health-promoting, life-enhancing beliefs and behaviors independent of weight. Efforts are put toward cultivating a positive relationship with food and your body and developing pleasurable, sustainable self-care practices that improve your overall wellbeing while trusting that your body will be whatever size it’s meant to be. 

    If you have weight concerns (which is completely understandable given our society’s insidious diet culture, pervasive anti-fat bias and unrealistic body standards), we will explore your experience and how you can feel better in your here-and-now body by making choices that support and nourish it regardless of where you are on the weight continuum.

  • Health at Every Size (HAES): With origins in the civil rights movement and ongoing development by the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH), in short, the HAES principles include “healthcare is a human right for people of all sizes; wellbeing, care and healing are resources that are both collective and deeply personal; care is fully provided only when free from anti-fat bias and offered with people of all sizes in mind; and health is a sociopolitical construct that reflects the values of society.”

  • Holistic Health is a whole-person approach that includes all aspects of your being such as your physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. It recognizes that relationships, career, living environment, physical movement, spirituality, creative outlets and other life realms are all forms of nourishment that play an essential role in your wellbeing. 

    As everything rests in a web of interconnectedness, a change or imbalance in one area of your life can impact other areas as well as your self-care, your relationship with food and your body, and your overall wellbeing.

  • Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing. Some areas of focus include: cultivating positive emotions and resiliency; mindfully savoring the present moment; finding fulfillment and meaning; experiencing awe and flow states; and practicing gratitude.

This is not a quick fix.  
It's a pathway to freedom.

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