I’ve Wasted So Much Time Thinking About Food and My Body

I’ve wasted so much time thinking about food and my body!

Does this sound familiar?

If so, you’re not alone.

It’s a frustration expressed by many of my clients. One I can really relate to as well.

Years ago, when I was determined to change my diet and weight, a huge chunk of my time, energy and headspace went toward obsessing about my body, eating and exercise.

Countless days and nights were spent online researching weight-loss strategies, dieting tricks, healthy eating tips, and fat-burning workouts.

I wasted many minutes meticulously tracking calories consumed and burned (this was before all the fancy gadgets and apps that now do the math for you) then judging myself as either good or bad depending upon my bottom line.

I fretted away hours thinking about how to avoid social situations that could potentially tempt me with forbidden foods and cause me to lose control.

I was consumed by intense cravings for my off-limits foods and depleted from exerting so much eating restraint.

I was often swept away by the shame spiral I felt when I fell off the wagon then was distracted strategizing how I could make up for my food sins.

Incessant Noise in My Head

No matter where I was at or who I was with, I constantly thought about how my body looked, the number on the scale, what I should or shouldn’t be eating, and what my next meal and workout would look like.

This incessant noise in my head prevented me from truly being engaged with life and present for those around me.

My preoccupation with my weight, food and exercise pretty much became a 24x7 job.

I had very little left to give to the much more important aspects of my life, like my relationships, social life, career, spirituality and hobbies.

I truly believed obtaining the perfect diet and body would enrich my life. When, in reality, it sucked all the life out of it.

Tired of Wasting My Life

After a lot of unnecessary suffering, I finally reached a point where I didn’t want to waste my life anymore being held hostage by my diet mentality, anti-fat bias, and long list of exercise and food rules.

Instead of devoting all my precious resources to micromanaging my eating and manipulating my size, I devoted them to breaking up with diet culture and healing the deep wounds it had caused.

With commitment, compassion and patience, I was able to cultivate a peaceful, balanced relationship with food and my body.

In doing so, I freed up an incredible amount of time, energy and headspace for more meaningful, fulfilling pursuits, including helping others escape diet culture and reclaim their life.

What Freedom Looks Like

Here’s how a few of my clients lives have changed:

“I fell back in love with reading, inhaling 23 fiction and nonfiction books across 3 months. My attention span has strengthened, and I've noticed I can sit quietly during movies and thoughtful conversations and go hours without thinking about food.

Most importantly, my husband and sister mention repeatedly how thankful they are that I regained space in my mind to keep their needs equal with mine, allowing them to lean on me in hard times (vs. years of non-stop obsession and talking about my weight, diet and fitness).” –Ellen C. (who has since also enrolled in a creative writing course)

“Since I don’t obsess over food anymore, it’s not constantly on my mind, which has allowed me to focus my energy on other things, like work, relationships and being active. I used to stress about food all the time and now I hardly think about it. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.” –Natalie F.

“I’m more relaxed, happier and focused on enjoying my life rather than the continual weight and diet issues that consumed me prior to doing this work.” –Jennifer S.

How Would Your Life Change?

With all the New Year’s resolution talk about diets, detoxes, reboots and resets, it’s understandably very tempting to jump on the bandwagon.

Before you do, consider if it will truly help you create the relationship with food and your body you long for.

If you feel like you already waste a lot of time and energy obsessing about your eating, workouts and weight, know that engaging with a diet/wellness/lifestyle plan that includes food rules, dietary restrictions and exercise regimens will only exacerbate your preoccupation.

I encourage you to pause and ask yourself: Is this how I want to spend my precious resources? How would my life change if I didn’t spend so much time and energy thinking about this stuff? What would be possible?

Wishing you peace, love and joy in 2020!